Lead Routes

Set up the lead offer process & select drip campaigns to run when a lead comes in from certain sources

The following fields relate to the Lead Routes endpoint.

MyselfTeam RolloutNoneSpecific TeamZipcode

The ID of the team that will be selected for distributing lead offers to.


The ID of the contact source. To obtain a list of contact sources, check out /contact-sources


Select either a team or the current user to offer a lead to

Possible values:

Valid only if distribution_target is Team Rollout. Select a team by name or by the zipcode associated with the team.

Possible values:

An optional filter to further refine the lead route


The user can only submit, update, and remove lead routes that they have created.

Notes for Submitting & Updating Records

  • If the Lead Route's distribution_target is equal to Myself, then team and team_selection_method will be automatically set to null
  • If the value of team_selection_method is equal to:
    • Specific Team: a team_id must be specified
    • Zipcode: team will be automatically set to null

Submit one Lead Route

To submit one lead route:

POST https://api-v2.liondesk.com//lead-routes headers: { Authorization: "Bearer [access token]", Content-Type: "application/json" }

The request object should have this form:{ "team_id": 3, "campaign_id": 6, "lead_source_id": 31, "contact_source_id": 10, "distribution_target": "Team Rollout", "team_selection_method": "Specific Team", "filter": "Buyer" }

Update one Lead Route

To update some attributes on one lead route:

PATCH https://api-v2.liondesk.com//lead-routes/10 headers: { Authorization: "Bearer [access token]", Content-Type: "application/json" }

data: {
team_id: "3",
campaign_id: "6"

Get One Lead Route

To get one lead route:

GET https://api-v2.liondesk.com//lead-routes/1 headers: { Authorization: "Bearer [access token]", Content-Type: "application/json" }

The response object will have this form:{ "id": 1, "team": { "id": 3, "name": "Schulist, Klein and Fay", "is_sharing_contacts": 1, "order_method": 1, "mins_until_next_alert": 0, "distribution_zipcodes": null }, "campaign": { "id": 9, "name": "Zillow Leads" }, "lead_source": { "id": 1, "name": "Zillow" }, "contact_source": { "id": 1, "name": "Friend/Family Referral" }, "distribution_target": "Team Rollout", "team_selection_method": "Specific Team", "filter": "Buyer" }

Find All Lead Routes

You find/search lead routes by issuing a GET request to the base endpoint:

GET https://api-v2.liondesk.com//lead-routes headers: { Authorization: "Bearer [access token]", Content-Type: "application/json" }

The response will contain an array of lead route objects, like so:

{ "total": 2, "limit": 10, "skip": 0, "data": [ { "id": 1, "team": { "id": 3, "name": "Schulist, Klein and Fay", "is_sharing_contacts": 1, "order_method": 1, "mins_until_next_alert": 0, "distribution_zipcodes": null }, "campaign": { "id": 9, "name": "Zillow Leads" }, "lead_source": { "id": 1, "name": "Zillow" }, "contact_source": { "id": 1, "name": "Friend/Family Referral" }, "distribution_target": "Team Rollout", "team_selection_method": "Specific Team", "filter": "Buyer" }, { "id": 3, "team": null, "campaign": { "id": 10, "name": "Trulia Campaign" }, "lead_source": { "id": 3, "name": "Trulia" }, "contact_source": { "id": 3, "name": "My Website" }, "distribution_target": "Team Rollout", "team_selection_method": "Zipcode", "filter": "Seller" } ] }

Filtering Lead Routes

The following filtering operators may be mixed and matched as desired.


You may query lead route fields directly by specifying equality parameters in the request URI:GET /lead-routes?distribution_target=Myself

You may wish to exclude results having some value with $ne:GET /lead-routes?distribution_target[$ne]=Team Rollout

Limiting and Pagination

$limit will return only the number of results you specify: GET /lead-routes?$limit=2

$skip will skip the specified number of results, useful for paginating:GET /lead-routes?distribution_target=Team Rollout&$limit=2&$skip=2

Inclusion / Exclusion

Find all records where the property values are ($in) some set:GET /lead-routes?lead_source_id[$in]=1If the column matches any of the given values, the resource shall be returned.

Similarly, you may exclude certain values with ($nin):GET /lead-routes?lead_source_id[$nin]=1


Lead Routes can be removed with a delete request.

DELETE https://api-v2.liondesk.com//lead-routes/92 headers: { Authorization: "Bearer [access token]", Content-Type: "application/json" }